Tuesday, 19 January 2016

15 Futuristic Technologies You'll See In Your Lifetime

15 Creepiest Modern Technologies

Top 5 New Technology & Inventions you never Know for our future - topupd...

Future Technologies That Will Change The World - National Geographic Doc...

How To: Make Hot Chocolate From Scratch

how-to-make-mens-trousers - Attaching the Front - fly zipper - full video

How Does Hardware and Software Communicate?

The Largest Oil Rig in The World

Calvin Harris & Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love

Thursday, 14 January 2016

The solar energy of the Solar panels promise to lower your electricity bill by supplementing the energy you buy from the local power companies.That is good, but choosing and installing solar panels can be an overwhelming task. Solar cells, which are linked together in a panel, convert sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic materials, such as silicon. When sunlight hits these materials, the light's energy is absorbed, and that energy causes electrons within the material to escape from their position in the atom of silicon or other photovoltaic material. These released electrons are captured to produce an electric current.

Free and Natural Energy - The Mystery Solved

What Is Energy - Lesson for Kids - 25SDA